Summary of the meeting held on January 19, 2024:

By peld, 21 January, 2024

2023 Fieldwork Update:

April/May: Chapéu and Emilio installed plots on the UFAM Campus, involving 18 plots (9 riparian and 9 on plateaus). October/November: Ju Schietti, Aretha and team carried out the first census of trees, palm trees and lianas (diameter above 10 cm) in 16 plots in the UFAM Fragment. Data is being entered (cost of approximately R$45,000.00).

In progress:

Anurans: Planned for FebruaryReptiles: Planned for FebruaryButterflies: Planned for April

Update Team Posts:

Members provided updates on ongoing or planned posts. A spreadsheet was shared for detailed tracking.Various topics were covered, including Lianas, Trees, Palms, Termites, Ants, Fish, Birds, Odonata, Anurans/Reptiles, Butterflies and Multitaxa.Financial Report and Allocation for Future Activities:

Details of CNPq and FAPEAM funding were provided. CNPq has a pending release of R$ 74,500.00 for Scholarships. The financial balance and allocation were discussed, showing the percentages executed and remaining balances. Update on Disclosure Activities and from the website:

Discussion on the status of the PELD website and possible simplification. Highlights on outreach activities in 2023, including content creation, school visits and article writing. Next Steps:

Plans for a new survey in 2025, focusing on identified groups with data curation. Emphasis on identifying data collected for multiple groups in 2024. Proposed investment in data digitization, database management and efforts at UFAM. Ongoing activities to Odonata, Fish and Butterflies were outlined. A meeting on management, policies, repositories and databases was planned with specific team members.

Disclosure Plans:

Finalize the teaching practice guide. Generate a text bank on PELD research. Jansen's suggestion: transform PELD discoveries into biology comics.
